Our Services

Email Marketing
Email Marketing has been regarded as a traditional channel to reach targeted B2B audience. It has many advantages, including ease of implementation and being cost-effective. At iSEARCHPLUS, we turn cold list of email lists into qualified opt-ins by providing pinged emails, timely delivered and highly actionable value to the recipients.
What Is Email Marketing?
Email marketing is the act of sending promotional messages to people in mass quantities. It typically is to generate sales or leads and it may contain advertising.
The process includes building or obtaining an email list of target clients, creating and maintaining a relationship with them by providing valuable content, all of which will eventually leading to sales.
Why do Email Marketing?
Email marketing is still ranked as the most effective marketing channel, beating out social media, SEO, and affiliate marketing. Data shows that most people are on email—and the number increases every year.
With email marketing you own the connections—you don’t have to worry about algorithm changes tanking your reach, like what Facebook does most of the time. That’s why building a successful email marketing campaign is more important than ever.
Source: Neil Patel on Email Marketing and Lead Generation